User Enrollments

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Child Enrollment & Emergency Medical Care Form

Weekly Care Schedule: (Please include the child's hours in care for each day)

Medical Information

Emergency Authorization

I give my consentfor the First Aid and CPR certified staff of Precisely Pandas toadminister first aid and CRP to my child and to contact the above nsmed physician or dentist if my child has a medical emergency. I also give my consent for my child to be transported to the nearest hospital in the event of a medical emergency. I will be responsible for all mediacl fees.

Behavior Management and Parent Handbook

I acknowledge that I have read the parent handbook and agree to abide by the policies contained in it and that the techniques used to manage childbehaviors in the facility have been discussed with me prior to enrollment

Alternate Pick Up / Emergency Contact Form

Persons permitted to remove the child from the child care program on behalf of the parent.
Please list at least 3 contacts, Do not include parent information





In an emergency, adults to be contacted if the parent cannot be reached. Please list at least 3.





Getting to know your Child

Please help me get acquainted with your child by completing these questions:

Photo Release Form

I , the parent/guardian of child/children at Precisely Pandas Childcare Center, (hereinafter known as the "Center") understand that my chils(ren) whose name(s) are listed below may be photographed at the Center during normal child care hours, field trips or activities, for the use of communication. I understand that these photographs may be used in promoting childcare services, either in print or on the Internet.